Sunday, December 30, 2012

My latest DIY try #rufflechristmastreeskirt

I saw this idea on pinterest:

and then I found this picture on google:

So I adapted them and created my own. I did not take pictures as I went along...I did not know at the time that I would be starting a blog. But I do have a finished product!!

My directions:
-I had one yard of five different fabrics cut. (you may end up with some extra depending on how you choose to adapt this, how long you want your skirt, how long you want your ruffles etc.)
-I then bought a plastic round 84" table cloth from was around $2.00
-Since this was WAY to big I decided to cut it down to 24 inches. I did this by folding the cloth in fours and measuring from the corner to 24 inches and marking the "half circle". Then cutting off the excess. (I used a tablecloth because being that this is my first christmas married and in a house of my own, I did not have an old treeskirt that I could use nor could I find one at my local Dollar Store
-I then cut the fabric (on the long end) in 5inx36in strips. I chose 5in just because I liked the way it looked and it took up more area.
-I then hot glued the strips around the tablecloth in the pattern that I chose, creating ruffles by bunching up the fabric. Now you can create a more ruffled appearance or a less ruffled appearance depending on how you bunch the fabric. It is your decision!
-continue this process until you are done

BUT...I do have a suggestion to make after I completed this..
-Try and find something other than a plastic tablecloth. This can just be another type of fabric..maybe even a sturdier tablecloth. I say this because the hot glue at times melted my plastic creating a bit of a mess.
-After Chirstmas I found blank felt tree skirts at Walmart so before I put my christmas stuff away (I leave it up untill New Years Eve) I will attach my already done skirt to the felt skirt to create a more durable skirt.

Finished product:

Feel free to comment on how you would do this different or your experience on creating one. :)

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